While speculations over inflation reaching double digits increase, Donya-e-Egtesad introduced the price growth for two groups, “food and drinks” and “housing and fuel” as the main cause of inflation and added that December is usually the hottest month for inflation and inflation usually goes down in the months after. Donya-e-Eghtesad refrains from further explanation but rather introduces three possible scenarios for inflation for the end of the year. The most optimistic sees average inflation fall back into single digits. In the highest case, the average inflation rate is expected to be 10.7%. The article claims that the economy of Iran is in the phase of reforms such as passing governmental pricing, adjusting energy prices and reforming the currency and banking systems. These issues have always taken a back seat to price controls. These reforms will lead to an increase in the inflation rate but in the long term, will increase transparency and the effectiveness of the country’s economic system.
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